Support Dance with a BODYTRAFFIC Membership

Join BODYTRAFFIC and enjoy 12 months of exclusive membership benefits, including guaranteed tickets to every L.A. performance, plus special perks like conversations with choreographers, exclusive invites, and parking at select membership levels.

As a member, you are helping BODYTRAFFIC remain a vital creative force in Los Angeles, fostering innovative works and providing opportunities for artists to thrive. Your support also helps us bring dance and movement to diverse audiences through our education and outreach programs, sharing its many benefits with communities that need it most.

Be a part of BODYTRAFFIC’s journey to inspire, connect, and elevate through the power of contemporary dance.

Want to collaborate in a different way?

To further support our LA Season or to collaborate with us in a different way, such as through corporate sponsorships or volunteering, please contact Megan Lane, Director of development